Larry Edelson sent you this special and very personal letter last Friday. It contains important information about your membership in Gold and Silver Trader. In fact, this information is so critical that Larry just asked me to send it to you again. Sometimes, an email gets lost or overlooked and he wants to make absolutely sure you don’t miss it. Please be sure to read Larry’s message in its entirety. Thanks! — Stan Pyatt |
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This is the single most important letter I have ever written.
It has critical implications for every dollar you have saved or invested.
It also has important consequences for your membership in Gold and Silver Trader.
Please read it in its entirety …
The forecasting tools I trust most — that accurately predicted the Great Depression and every major financial event since 1929 — are now predicting something terrible.
The models that enabled me to foresee nearly every major financial event of the past four decades — including the great run-up in gold prices that began in 1999 and the pull-back we’ve seen since — are now warning me that all hell is about to break loose:
The most severe economic dislocation
of our lifetimes is rushing toward us
like a runaway freight train.
It’s not just the recent news of Greece’s insolvency … or Puerto Rico’s financial crisis … or any of the other “small potatoes” debt-related disasters we’re beginning to see around the globe.
Something much bigger and much more disturbing is just ahead.
In fact, I am so worried about the predictions my models are making now, I felt it was absolutely crucial that I present my research to the Weiss team in person.
That’s why I just flew more than 10,000 miles from my home in Thailand to Weiss Research headquarters in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida: to present my warnings and my evidence in person, face to face.
And in three critical online briefings at 2:00 PM Eastern Time next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday (July 20, 21 and 22), I will share the evidence with you as well.
(Due to your status as a member of my online family, I have taken the liberty of pre-registering you; reserving a seat for you at these briefings. Instructions for attending will appear in your inbox shortly.)
The last time my cycles research looked anywhere near this frightening
was in early 1929 …
For the first time in nearly 90 years, several of the most destructive cycles in the financial universe are converging.
They will merge into a massively powerful supercycle starting Wednesday, October 7, 2015.
My prediction is that this newly formed supercycle will mark the beginning of the most horrific economic disaster in nearly 90 years.
What’s more, my cycles research is now warning that this rare and alarmingly powerful supercycle will continue to rule the global economy for five full years, through the year 2020.
Europe’s sovereign debt crisis will go full tilt, and then spread to Japan. Ironically, in its early stages at least, it will actually fuel a new bull market in many U.S. investments.
That’s the good news:
First, there are vast fortunes to be made as this supercycle slams into the economies of European nations and Japan.
And second, we have time — but not much time — to prepare before it levels the U.S. economy as well.
When it does strike here though, it will expose all of us to the greatest financial dangers we have ever faced.
This is terrible news for investors who have no idea that this is coming. But it is truly spectacular news for savvy investors like us.
Because throughout every day for the next five years, this great supercycle will present us with the greatest windfall profit opportunities — by far — any of us could ever imagine.
I myself, plan to make windfall profits in the coming months and years, especially in gold and silver — so much so that I’ll never have to worry about money again, nor will my children or their children.
I plan to do precisely the same for you.
To prepare, I’m making SIX big improvements
in Gold and Silver Trader beginning immediately
FIRST: Before I say more about the changes we’re making, let me assure you: You will continue to receive all of my analysis and recommendations for gold and silver trades just as you do now.
I am absolutely convinced that precious metals will soon bottom and that an explosive new bull market is directly ahead.
Why? Simply because the precious metals are the ultimate hedges against government debt uncertainty and crisis.
There will be an enormous amount of money to be made in mining shares, gold and silver ETFs and options on those ETFs as this crisis unfolds.
You have my word that I will move heaven and Earth to make sure you get your share of the windfall profits that will be available.
SECOND: I will also provide you with recommendations designed to multiply your money as European stocks, bonds and the euro currency collapse.
My models and cycles research are clear on this: The decline in European stocks, bonds and the euro currency has only begun.
Come October, a tsunami of new capital will begin fleeing Europe. The European economy, the euro and Europe’s financial markets will then enter a two-year period of complete and utter collapse.
And we’ll have multiple opportunities to pile up huge profits with inverse ETFs and options.
THIRD: I will also name the investments designed to skyrocket in value as new waves of European flight capital flood Wall Street.
The tsunami of new capital fleeing Europe will continue to drive select U.S. stocks, bonds and other investments through the roof in the short-term and I want to help make sure you get your share of the profits.
I will identify the stocks and ETFs panicky Europeans are buying so you can own them first. And I will also help you multiply your profit potential with options on those stocks and ETFs.
FOURTH: I will help you go for yet another great fortune as Japan’s massive debt bomb detonates.
Japan’s government debt is far larger than the debt that sunk Greece — and also far larger than the debts that will soon sink the entire European Union. Tokyo will then be the next to default.
Soon — most likely in the first half of next year — I will add ETFs and options designed to multiply your money as Japanese stocks, bonds and the yen implode.
FIFTH: Most importantly, I will help you protect your wealth and then go for yet another large fortune as this great government debt crisis strikes Washington D.C.
When it hits Washington, we will then change our U.S. strategy and position ourselves to capture the profit opportunities with inverse ETFs, leveraged inverse ETFs and options on inverse ETFs that own U.S. stocks, bonds, and other key investments.
SIXTH: To acknowledge these improvements, I am giving Gold and Silver Trader a more appropriate name.
Since our objective is now to help you profit from ALL of the investments that are set to soar due to the formation of this rare and extremely powerful supercycle …
Gold and Silver Trader
is now
Supercycle Trader.
In Supercycle Trader, you will continue to receive everything you’re getting now … PLUS dozens more profit opportunities as this great supercycle impacts Europe, Japan and the U.S. over the next five years.
Make no mistake: You’d better fasten your seat belt. It’s going to be a bumpy ride.
But every crisis brings opportunity along with it. And the sheer magnitude of this crisis means that the windfall profit opportunities will be both plentiful and life-changing.
I sincerely look forward to helping you insulate your wealth during this time of crisis.
And I especially look forward to giving you many of the most profitable investments of your life.
Warmest Regards,
Larry Edelson
Supercycle Trader