Massively Powerful Supercycle Forces Ramping Up

The tidal wave of forces I’ve been warning you about are now cranking up. Big!

We see it happening in terms of the raw power of Trump’s initiatives. We see it in terms of broad impacts across multiple markets. And it is global – all over the world.

The first big wave is striking Europe as the Brexit process moves forward like a driverless bulldozer: British Parliament has already approved the Notification of Withdrawal Bill this month. Theresa May is already set to seal the deal with “Article 50” before the end of next month. And you can expect a near-certain downhill slide from there.

Meanwhile, anti-EU political parties are on the verge of sweeping the Continent: In the Netherlands with the upcoming March elections. In France with potentially earth-shattering May elections. In Germany where Angela Merkel could get axed in September elections. Heck! As I’ve written many times, France’s economy alone is so big, just the expected victory by Marie Le Pen’s anti-EU party could be the coup de grâce for the entire European Union.

Looking ahead, the next big blow will hit highly-indebted Japan. That’s a future disaster just now starting to heat up, as China flexes its muscles in the South China Sea and North Korea lashes out with a foreign assassination using chemical weapons of mass destruction.

This blow-by-blow sequence is exactly what we’ve been preparing for, precisely in the order we expected it. It’s driving the euro mostly lower. It’s sending precious metals mostly higher. It’s pushing U.S. stocks through the roof. And despite any near-term ups and downs, it’s all the result of one megatrend underlying financial markets, a megatrend that’s consistently strong and getting stronger: The Tsunami of foreign flight capital flowing into the United States.

These capital inflows from troubled regions of the world explain why the dollar has been so strong. They help explain why the U.S. stock market has been going parabolic. And they represent THE big-picture scenario I outlined in my very first invitation to join me here in Supercycle Trader.

Now that scenario is here. In aces and spades. And now it’s time to do even more to help you take advantage of it, which is why I’ve added two bonus features to this service …

Bonus Feature #1 is my neural net software that my programmer and I have created based on two unprecedented and remarkable breakthroughs:

AI, or Artificial Intelligence. This means that the program learns from its own successes and mistakes, incorporating long-term historical cycles AND the very latest cyclical patterns right up to the last hour of trading.

LE, meaning me, Larry Edelson. The software embodies my four decades of research and experience with cycles, including the techniques I used to call every major top and bottom in gold nearly to the day … not to mention other precious metals, commodities and stocks.

I will tell you more as we go. For now, suffice it to say that I love it and so does my team.

Bonus Feature #2 As I explained in a webinar months ago, my trading role is to give the strategy directives. Then, my assistant trader, David Dutkewych, suggests specific entry and exit points, which I approve or disapprove. Last October, I promoted him to Associate Trader, which means I gave him some more authority regarding the precise amount of leverage and exact timing for each trade; and I’m glad I did.

Indeed, thanks to the combination of these two new features – my neural net software and David’s timing acumen – subscribers have benefited from a good series of winning trades with fewer (and smaller!) losing trades.

As you can see in the chart below, the largest losing trade is 11.8% on the Proshares Ultrashort Dow30, a position that’s still open and could turn around nicely for us. In contrast, the largest winning trade is 64% on AK Steel Holdings, or nearly six times larger. And that was without any leverage whatsoever – just picking the right stock.

We’ve enjoyed a similar pattern with energy, despite a topsy-turvy market there. Our largest loss in energy during this period was 7.7%.

But we’ve closed two energy trades with solid profits of 20.4% on one and 36.1% on the other, or over four times larger.

Ditto for silver and gold. Our largest losing trade in this sector was 9.3%, compared to winning trades that made us 17.5%, 19% and 22.5%.

Timing can never always be perfect, but a bit of patience can often pay off handsomely. Just recently, for example, my neural net software told us to bet on a gold correction, and David picked the Direxion Daily Gold Miners Index Bear 3x Shares – a play on a decline with three times leverage. Right out of the gate, the market surged and we had a pretty sizable open loss for such a short period of time. But we stuck with it and last I checked we had a very substantial quick open gain of 21.3%.


Overall, I’m pleased to report that, as the supercycles ramp up, the winds in our sails are getting stronger. And so are the sails themselves.

Stand by for more. Much more!

Best wishes,


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