Dear Investor,
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Last time we recommended a penny oil stock like the one we’re recommending now, investors following our buy-and-sell calls could have invested a meager $3,000 and made actual profits of $74,520. This time, our new pick could do even better.
It’s a tiny penny oil producer that’s just made the largest discovery in 36 years in oil-rich Alberta, Canada.
That much oil has street value of $23.7 billion. The $23.7 billion is 485 times the market capitalization of the company. And the discovery could actually be a lot bigger because much of the property hasn’t been explored yet.
Major oil producers of every stripe are flocking to the area to grab a piece of the action. But this little company jumped in ahead of their competition and snapped up the rights.
Right now, you can buy its shares for about 50¢ each. If their follow-up test wells confirm half or all of the $23.7 billion of oil — as we expect they will — those shares could easily explode to $5 or $10.
I’ll tell you more about this new Canadian oil pick in a moment. First, though, let me introduce the penny stock genius behind the picks.
His name is Chuck de Castro, and his track records is mindboggling. You’ll get old and gray waiting for a stock like Exxon to move up 10- or 20-fold. But when one of these little penny stocks he recommends hits even a modest amount of oil, the profits can be staggering.
Like the 2,484% gain his subscribers made in Nido Petroleum. Or the 1,902% gain they made in Ultra and the 2,561% gain they made in Carnarvon.
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Take Nido, for example. If you put $3,000 into this penny oil stock, when Chuck recommended it, you’d have gotten about 176,000 shares. And if you had taken profits when he said to, you’d have made as much as $74,520.
You can’t get profits like these from big oil stocks like Exxon because it’s a huge $323 BILLION company. When it discovers a $500 million oil deposit, it’s a hiccup for the stock price. The shares might move a nickel.
But when a tiny oil exploration company with hardly a pot to pee in makes that same $500 million discovery, it’s an earthquake for the shares. Even a small discovery can double or triple their value. And modest discoveries can cause your shares to explode up 5, 10, or even 20 times.
For example, Hardman Resources was a tiny $40 million company when Chuck recommended it. But after Hardman discovered oil off the coast of Africa, its shares rose from 8¢ to $1.64, a classic penny oil exploration play. A modest $3,000 invested in Chuck’s Hardman recommendation could have put as much as $58,740 in your pocket.
** Amadeus Petroleum — an Australian company drilling for oil in Texas and Oklahoma — went from 9¢ to 82¢ after Chuck recommended it in Penny Oil Winners. That could have given you juicy 810% profits. Another $3,000 investment would have grown into as much as $27,300.
** After he recommended Hurricane Hydrocarbons, which was exploring in Kazakhstan, the shares went from 56¢ to $11.76. That’s when he told his Penny Oil Winner subscribers to sell. You could have earned up to 1,980% profits.
These are the types of profits you can make when you invest in tiny oil (and natural gas) companies drilling on red-hot properties.
I know it sounds strange, but sometimes
you don’t even need a big discovery
to send a penny oil soaring 10-fold or more
For example, there’s a massive deposit of natural gas in Wyoming called the Pinedale region. It’s been known about for decades and is believed to hold as much as $50 billion of natural gas.
But because of hostile geology, nobody had been able to extract that gas profitably.
Meanwhile, Chuck knew about a little company with new technology that had already cracked the problem on a similar natural gas field someplace else. So when he heard they had nailed down property in Pinedale, he told his subscribers to buy shares with both fists.
The company was Ultra Petroleum, and subscribers following Chuck’s recommendations got in at a split-adjusted price of as little as $1.89. They watched their shares climb to $37.85 (profits of up to 1,902%), and took partial profits along the way.
And this is what Chuck loves doing. He ferrets out tiny stocks that have nailed down the rights to red-hot oil and natural gas properties. Now let me tell you more about Chuck’s newest recommendation for you — cut from the same mold as Nido and Ultra.
The tiny penny oil that just made the largest
discovery in 36 years in oil-rich Alberta, Canada
Based on a recent study by a top independent petroleum engineering firm, this company’s deposit could hold as much as 485.5 million barrels of oil.
As I said, that much oil has street value of $23.7 billion. That’s more than 485 times the market capitalization of the company — and the discovery could actually be much bigger because much of the property hasn’t been explored yet.
Moreover, this is the highly-valued, light, sweet crude oil that’s easy to refine into gasoline and diesel. It sells at a premium to the more common, heavy, sour crude oil — which is much more difficult to refine.
Major oil producers of every stripe are flocking to the area to grab a piece of the action. But this little company jumped in ahead of their competition and snapped up the rights, just like Hardman did.
Right now, you can buy shares in this company for about 50¢ a share. If their follow-up test wells confirm half or all of the $23.7 billion of oil — as I expect they will — those shares could easily explode to $5 or $10 a share.
If you plunk down a modest $3,000 now into Chuck’s new recommendation, you could wind up with $30,000 to $60,000. And that’s just in the stock’s first major surge. Beyond that, the sky’s the limit.
Chuck has closed out 19 penny oil picks
with profits of 500% or better
We would love to recommend stocks like these in our Weiss Research newsletters. But these penny stocks are really small. If a few thousand of our subscribers tried to pile into one of them, it would overwhelm the market, and nobody would get in at a good price.
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So this opportunity is limited strictly to 1,000 investors. The service Chuck writes is called Penny Oil Winners. Every single one of the recommendations I just told you about were published in this tiny, virtually unknown publication that he writes.
Unlike some advisors, Chuck doesn’t recommend everything from soup to nuts. He dedicates his investment research and recommendations solely to hot penny oils that have nailed down the rights to spectacular prospects.
These are companies that could multiply your money anywhere from 19-fold (like Ultra Petroleum) to 25 times (like Carnarvon Petroleum).
Chuck has closed out 19 recommendations with profits of 500% or more; and another SIXTEEN up 1,000% plus!
That’s not counting his 41 red hot penny oil recommendations that could have doubled your money or better.
I can’t promise his new recommendations are going to be as profitable, or even profitable at all.
But the reality is that you find stocks like these by skill and knowledge, not luck. Just think: If you invested a modest $3,000 in each stock he’s recommended and followed his buy-sell instructions, you’d be sitting on as much as $427,778 closed-out profits today, losers included.
Chuck has a long-term perspective and usually plans to hold for a couple of years. And he’s always looking for extraordinarily large multiples — profits of 500%, 1,600% — even 2,500% — which as you’ve seen he can and does get.
When you join Penny Oil Winners, the first thing you’ll receive is Chuck’s full report on the Canadian oil stocks that could transform a meager $3,000 investment into $74,000 or more. Then, you’ll get 12 to 15 recommendations a year.
The issues aren’t fancy. No time for that. Despite Chuck’s long-term perspective, sometimes you have to be able to get in or out on a dime, take profits, or place stops.
For example, one of Chuck’s recommendations, Geoglobal Resources, more than doubled IN A DAY when they discovered a large natural gas field in India.
After such a huge, sharp move, Chuck saw a temporary correction coming and rushed out a Flash Alert telling subscribers to quickly grab up to 155% profits on part of their position. And he was right: The stock dropped 30% in three days before resuming its march up.
Right now, Chuck has teamed up with Weiss Research to give you a single fleeting chance to get in on Penny Oil Winners with an incredible offer. Don’t delay.
This offer is going out to 292,000 investors, and Chuck has opened up only 350 slots for our subscribers. I am certain they will sell out rapidly. After these 350 slots are gone, that’s it! What’s more, until those slots are sold out …
I will gladly pay most of your
membership fee for you.
Normally, Penny Oil Winners is sold for $3,000 per year. But if you join for one year now, I will pay for the entire second year of your membership.
Plus, since you are a member of The Edelson Institute, you are entitled to a whopping, additional $1,010 off. Instead of the $6,000 that everyone else will pay, your cost for the ENTIRE two years is only $1,990! You save over $4,000! Click here.
You must be thrilled with the money you make,
or you can get a refund for any reason,
anytime in the next two years.
You don’t even have to make your final decision now. You can wait until then to do that.
Click here to join us, and I’ll pay for the entire second year of your two-year membership. We’ll rush you Chuck’s special report on the small Canadian oil company with a $23.7 billion discovery so you can act on it right away. Then, just follow our recommendations for the next few weeks, the next few months, or even for a full year or more.
In the unlikely event that you decide Penny Oil Winners isn’t right for you, just let us know and I’ll promptly refund every penny on the balance of your subscription.
That way, I take virtually all the risk out of your membership: Either Chuck picks the right penny oils and you make a ton of money … or you cancel and get a pro-rated subscription refund anytime for any reason.
The $4,000-plus you save on Chuck’s service is enough to buy about 8,000 shares of the tiny company that just made the largest oil discovery in oil-rich Alberta, Canada, in 36 years. So this offer is a great way for you to stick your toe in the water. Click here
This deep-discount offer for Penny Oil Winners is good for the first 350 investors who respond. It’s first come, first served.
And remember: After these 350 slots are gone, that’s it! If you want in, click one of the links above or phone Stan at 1-800-291-8545.
Good luck and God bless!
*This is not intended to be a solicitation for California residents.
So if you are a resident of that great state, please disregard.
Terms and Conditions
Phil Issenberg August 30, 2017
Dear Martin,
I thought the Edelson Institute was going to be held to a much higher standard. Pitching more things to subscribe to, personally this is following the same pattern of the Motley Fool.(not a fan). I am not so sure exactly what this exclusive institute is supposed to be. Perhaps you need to re-evaluate your mission statement.
Totally dis-heartened,
Phil Issenberg
Larry Lee September 22, 2017
Dear Martin
I agree with Phil