A few weeks ago, I told you the war cycles were ramping up again, and dramatically — based on my Artificial Intelligence models and true adaptive deep learning neural net.
A learning neural net sees patterns in events and data that we can’t possibly see and it also gives a weighting to the unintended consequences of leaders all over the world who never, ever learn from the past and instead are almost infinitely doomed to making the same mistakes, over and over again.
Since I predicted another and accelerated rise in geo-political stress, look what’s happened …
— A phone call between President-elect Trump and Taiwan President Tsai stunned world leaders. The call was out of protocol, a big no-no for China and U.S. policy.
The reverberations — and possible punishment against President-elect Trump — are still being discussed by global leaders, especially in Beijing.
— Then Beijing seizes a U.S. underwater drone, a harmless type of submarine satellite designed to monitor what’s going on in the Spratly Islands and South China Sea.

On this one, I can’t really blame Beijing. It’s in a territorial dispute involving as much as 800 billion barrels of crude oil and it claims the region belongs to China. Sources tell me that historically, Beijing is correct and that the region is China’s.
Involved in the dispute are the countries of the Philippines, Vietnam, the Nation of Brunei, the People’s Republic of China, the Republic of China (Taiwan), and Malaysia.
And they all want a (big) piece since the waters and islands in the South China Sea contain the most important shipping routes in the world, not to mention that huge amount of crude oil — 800 billion barrels of crude — more oil than is in all of Kuwait.
— Yesterday, an assassin takes out a Russian diplomat at his Moscow home. Motive unknown.
— Obama claims he has proof Russia hacked the elections and swayed the results toward Trump. In the strongest language I’ve ever heard from him, he says Washington will retaliate.
— Then there’s yesterday’s brutal attack in Berlin where 12 people were killed and dozens more were injured after a large truck plowed into a Christmas market in Berlin. The Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attack.
And more …
— Including new protests in Greece, in Italy and other European countries … over austerity measures, pension slashing, capital controls and …
Yes — even confiscation of gold by revenue agents going door to door in India.
— Then there’s Australia banning the Aussie 100 dollar note another move toward a digital, cashless society.
— And an estimated 470,000 deaths, including 15,948 children and over 10,000 women in Aleppo and the Syrian war.
And let’s not forget the worst sovereign bond market collapse in 26 years … and the strongest U.S. dollar in 14.
Why is this happening?
Because the most important economic and social/cultural SuperCycles are converging again — in a maelstrom — for the first time in at least 80 years.
For now, it’s striking mostly overseas, giving you precious little time to protect and grow your wealth right now.
Later, it will hit the U.S. hard … and you will indeed have multiple opportunities to protect and grow your wealth. Unlike billions of other investors who will sadly get wiped out.
My team, myself and my Artificial Intelligence, neural net, deep machine learning models are on top of it.
Dan January 12, 2017
Larry, I live near the mouth of the Columbia river, and I have been hearing that China has turned away big ships and they are waiting outside the Columbia Bar to come in.
Could this be the beginning of a trade war??
Dan January 12, 2017
Larry, I live near the mouth of the Columbia river, and I have been hearing that China has turned away big ships and they are waiting outside the Columbia Bar to come in.
Could this be the beginning of a trade war??
steve tanton January 4, 2017
RE: “On this one, I can’t really blame Beijing. It’s in a territorial dispute involving as much as 800 billion barrels of crude oil and it claims the region belongs to China. Sources tell me that historically, Beijing is correct and that the region is China’s.”
If your market analysis is as insubstantial as your understanding of geopolitical analysis, then we indeed are in for surprises. Any beginning student in geography can easily determine that the Spratly Islands belong to the Philippines and not China. It is very ironic that while the new leadership of the U.S. complains of unfair trade deals and wants to make all more fair, China speaks of retaliation. “The robbing of Peter to pay Paul will always be supported by Paul.” (G. Bernard Shaw paraphrased)
Furthermore, in January of 2013 the Philippines formally complained to the international courts under the UNCLOS and PCA. “On July 12, 2016, the arbitrators of the tribunal of PCA agreed unanimiously with the Philippines. They concluded in the award that there was no evidence that China had historically exercised exclusive control over the waters or resources, hence there was “no legal basis for China to claim historic rights” over the nine-dash line. Accordingly, the PCA tribunal decision is ruled as final and non-appealable by either countries. The tribunal also criticized China’s land reclamation projects and its construction of artificial islands in the Spratly Islands, saying that it had caused “severe harm to the coral reef environment”. It also characterized Taiping Island and other features of the Spratly Islands as “rocks” under UNCLOS, and therefore are not entitled to a 200 nautical mile exclusive economic zone. China however rejected the ruling, calling it “ill-founded”. Taiwan, which currently administers Taiping Island, the largest of the Spratly Islands, also rejected the ruling.” (wiki)
The irony that China was attacked in the late 1930’s by Japan who were seeking territorial controls over lands that were not theirs, purportedly for minerals and other natural resources and the U.S. intervened to help them. Now that China is a regional power, they exert power and essentially do the same to others. Will mankind never learn?
Truly this is one of the reasons for cycles and in that it seems that Mr. Edelson is correct, but to wrongly agree with assertions of China’s authority over territory which is not theirs is frankly quite amazing to me. Surely this should throw up question marks about other portions of his analysis.
steve tanton January 4, 2017
RE: “On this one, I can’t really blame Beijing. It’s in a territorial dispute involving as much as 800 billion barrels of crude oil and it claims the region belongs to China. Sources tell me that historically, Beijing is correct and that the region is China’s.”
If your market analysis is as insubstantial as your understanding of geopolitical analysis, then we indeed are in for surprises. Any beginning student in geography can easily determine that the Spratly Islands belong to the Philippines and not China. It is very ironic that while the new leadership of the U.S. complains of unfair trade deals and wants to make all more fair, China speaks of retaliation. “The robbing of Peter to pay Paul will always be supported by Paul.” (G. Bernard Shaw paraphrased)
Furthermore, in January of 2013 the Philippines formally complained to the international courts under the UNCLOS and PCA. “On July 12, 2016, the arbitrators of the tribunal of PCA agreed unanimiously with the Philippines. They concluded in the award that there was no evidence that China had historically exercised exclusive control over the waters or resources, hence there was “no legal basis for China to claim historic rights” over the nine-dash line. Accordingly, the PCA tribunal decision is ruled as final and non-appealable by either countries. The tribunal also criticized China’s land reclamation projects and its construction of artificial islands in the Spratly Islands, saying that it had caused “severe harm to the coral reef environment”. It also characterized Taiping Island and other features of the Spratly Islands as “rocks” under UNCLOS, and therefore are not entitled to a 200 nautical mile exclusive economic zone. China however rejected the ruling, calling it “ill-founded”. Taiwan, which currently administers Taiping Island, the largest of the Spratly Islands, also rejected the ruling.” (wiki)
The irony that China was attacked in the late 1930’s by Japan who were seeking territorial controls over lands that were not theirs, purportedly for minerals and other natural resources and the U.S. intervened to help them. Now that China is a regional power, they exert power and essentially do the same to others. Will mankind never learn?
Truly this is one of the reasons for cycles and in that it seems that Mr. Edelson is correct, but to wrongly agree with assertions of China’s authority over territory which is not theirs is frankly quite amazing to me. Surely this should throw up question marks about other portions of his analysis.
John abry January 1, 2017
What do you think of solar.are you looking at any long term companies
Larry Edelson January 4, 2017
Not at this time, but expect to later this year. — Larry
John abry January 1, 2017
What do you think of solar.are you looking at any long term companies
Larry Edelson December 30, 2016
My bet: It will be removed from the system. — Larry
Ken December 29, 2016
Ken December 29, 2016
Larry Edelson December 28, 2016
Thank you for the compliment and the loyalty! –Larry
John Sharp December 28, 2016
LARRY, I hit 80 years old last Mo and still look forward to your every suggestions as to our positions and safety of our money in Real Wealth.
I have been with you and Martin since the Mr.Speculator days when it was a part of Safe Money. Well done on the Edelston Wave site. You have made a lot of folks a lot of money and given very special advice in protecting our wealth. Thank You for the years of deep
investment calls.
John Sharp
Larry Edelson December 26, 2016
No Russ. Governments are cracking down on them and will never let them survive. It’s their turf. They are merely observing and learning from them now. Plus, there are way too many crooked operators involved. I would not touch them with a ten-foot pole. — Best, Larry
Russ December 25, 2016
Happy Holidays Larry. You had mentioned in an earlier segment that you did that you didn’t see bitcoin as one of the electronic currencies that is going being used for any length of time, almost warning to stay away from it. However it is being taken in more and more places all the time. Now there are exchanges where you can trade bitcoin against other so called electronic/digital currencies. Do you see all of this going away or is it possible these electronic transfers (bitcoin etc) will be the newest and most logical way for us to enter into the digital currency world, and how would the government be able to intervene even if they wanted too should they become highly used?
Thanks for all you do.
Larry Edelson December 26, 2016
No Russ. Governments are cracking down on them and will never let them survive. It’s their turf. They are merely observing and learning from them now. Plus, there are way too many crooked operators involved. I would not touch them with a ten-foot pole. — Best, Larry
Tom McKenna December 23, 2016
Well said Larry. And as if to reinforce your observations on this potential war cycle, you have the heated hawkish remarks both Trump and Putin made regarding nuclear arsenal buildups a few days after your column went to print. Merry Christmas. Tom McKenna Quincy, Ma.
Larry Edelson December 26, 2016
Yes, unfortunately. — Larry
Tom McKenna December 23, 2016
Well said Larry. And as if to reinforce your observations on this potential war cycle, you have the heated hawkish remarks both Trump and Putin made regarding nuclear arsenal buildups a few days after your column went to print. Merry Christmas. Tom McKenna Quincy, Ma.
Larry Edelson December 26, 2016
Yes, unfortunately. — Larry
Larry Edelson December 23, 2016
Thank you! — Larry
Larry Edelson December 23, 2016
I have saved and made my members tens of million if not billions over the years. Drop the gambling mentality. There is a time to be in the market, a time to be out of the market and a time to be short the market. Right now there is very little low risk trades to make in this holiday season. Might as go to Las Vegas if you want action.
Sorry to be tough,but you have outsmart the markets. They are trying to outsmart you 24/7 and the quiet and deceiving action of late is all part of of it. — Best, Larry
Larry Edelson December 23, 2016
I have saved and made my members tens of million if not billions over the years. Drop the gambling mentality. There is a time to be in the market, a time to be out of the market and a time to be short the market. Right now there is very little low risk trades to make in this holiday season. Might as go to Las Vegas if you want action.
Sorry to be tough,but you have outsmart the markets. They are trying to outsmart you 24/7 and the quiet and deceiving action of late is all part of of it. — Best, Larry
Larry Edelson December 23, 2016
It’s coming. Be patient. — Larry
Larry Edelson December 23, 2016
It’s coming. Be patient. — Larry
Larry Edelson December 23, 2016
Current. — Larry
Larry Edelson December 23, 2016
Thank you Harvey for the compliments and loyalty. Happy holidays! — Larry
Larry Edelson December 23, 2016
The markets are extremely quiet and risky. Right now, it is far better to keep your powder dry than force trades. Forcing trading leads to nothing but losses. — LArry
Larry Edelson December 23, 2016
The markets are extremely quiet and risky. Right now, it is far better to keep your powder dry than force trades. Forcing trading leads to nothing but losses. — LArry
Carole Rand December 23, 2016
Has uranium’s price bottomed yet? Uranium stocks are cheap and hated and necessary for Asia’s growth. Will you let us know when and what companies to get into?
Thank you for your conservative approach and detailed analysis of markets; you have helped me become a more knowledgeable investor.
Larry Edelson December 23, 2016
No, I don’t believe it has bottomed yet. And thank you for the comment and your loylalty. Happy Holidays. — Larry
Larry Edelson December 28, 2016
Not yet Carole, but it’s getting closer. I’m monitoring it. — Larry
Carole Rand December 23, 2016
Has uranium’s price bottomed yet? Uranium stocks are cheap and hated and necessary for Asia’s growth. Will you let us know when and what companies to get into?
Thank you for your conservative approach and detailed analysis of markets; you have helped me become a more knowledgeable investor.
Larry Edelson December 23, 2016
No, I don’t believe it has bottomed yet. And thank you for the comment and your loylalty. Happy Holidays. — Larry
Larry Edelson December 28, 2016
Not yet Carole, but it’s getting closer. I’m monitoring it. — Larry
Ken Wight December 22, 2016
You have mentioned “The Coming New Black Market for Gold”. Could you expand on that? What exactly is it? How will it most likely function?
Thanks Much and MERRY CHRISTMAS. Ken
Larry Edelson December 23, 2016
It will go underground into a barter type market, where gold is exchanged for other gold, acquired with other assets, and more. This is already happening i in India, and happended as well during the Great Depression. I will keep you posted on it– Larry
Larry Edelson December 26, 2016
Not sure yet Ken. But I am monitoring it closely. It is already developing in India, in a barter fashion of goods and services for gold. I will keep everyone posted. — Best, Larry
Phil C December 22, 2016
Am I to understand from your comments on MLPs that you are recommending that all shares in MLPs be sold even if an investor has owned them for several years?
Larry Edelson December 23, 2016
I would not own them and haven’t for several years. Your best course right now is to look at each one you own, see what’s happening, and check with your tax guy on the implications. — Larry
Larry Edelson December 28, 2016
It’s starting to develop now in India and other regions where fear of confiscation is growing. I’ll do a special on it soon, as it is just beginning to form. — Larry
Phil C December 22, 2016
Am I to understand from your comments on MLPs that you are recommending that all shares in MLPs be sold even if an investor has owned them for several years?
Larry Edelson December 23, 2016
I would not own them and haven’t for several years. Your best course right now is to look at each one you own, see what’s happening, and check with your tax guy on the implications. — Larry
Larry Edelson December 28, 2016
It’s starting to develop now in India and other regions where fear of confiscation is growing. I’ll do a special on it soon, as it is just beginning to form. — Larry
Chuck Rose December 22, 2016
I would love to see answers to some of these questions, Larry
Larry Edelson December 23, 2016
These on the board? I’m going through them now. If you have others, please post them.– Best, Larr
Larry Edelson December 28, 2016
Answering as many as quickly as I can. I cannot get to all of them — Larry
Chuck Rose December 22, 2016
I would love to see answers to some of these questions, Larry
Larry Edelson December 28, 2016
Answering as many as quickly as I can. I cannot get to all of them — Larry
Justin T December 22, 2016
You are one interesting guy Larry. But I’ll sleep much more soundly just knowing that your team, yourself and “your artificial intelligence” (seems like an oxymoron to me) are on top of things!
Larry Edelson December 23, 2016
Thank you and enjoy the holidays. — Larry
Larry Edelson December 28, 2016
Thank you — Larry
Justin T December 22, 2016
You are one interesting guy Larry. But I’ll sleep much more soundly just knowing that your team, yourself and “your artificial intelligence” (seems like an oxymoron to me) are on top of things!
Larry Edelson December 23, 2016
Thank you and enjoy the holidays. — Larry
Larry Edelson December 28, 2016
Thank you — Larry
steve tanton December 22, 2016
“On this one, I can’t really blame Beijing. It’s in a territorial dispute involving as much as 800 billion barrels of crude oil and it claims the region belongs to China. Sources tell me that historically, Beijing is correct and that the region is China’s.”
This is total B.S. With a bachelor’s in geography and history, one can easily figure out that the territory belongs to the Philippines. Just why do you think that The Hague ruled such?
As for “punishment”, it is China who is ready to be punished. The U.S. engaged in the war against Japan prior to WWII to help China after the “Rape of Nanking” and now China is acting like the bully of Asia. What irony. Trump is sending a message that interference with other Asian nations simply will not be tolerated. “Get out of the Spratleys” would be a good banner and first start towards respect, “sense and sensibility” and peace in the region.
Larry Edelson December 23, 2016
I cannot totally disagree with you. BUT, China has a clear and very long history with the area. Is China aggressive about it. Yes, and that was my main point. — Larry
Larry Edelson December 28, 2016
Rules made in a court mean nothing. Beijing thinks it owns the area. That’s what we have to reckon with and that’s the real world. — Larry
steve tanton December 22, 2016
“On this one, I can’t really blame Beijing. It’s in a territorial dispute involving as much as 800 billion barrels of crude oil and it claims the region belongs to China. Sources tell me that historically, Beijing is correct and that the region is China’s.”
This is total B.S. With a bachelor’s in geography and history, one can easily figure out that the territory belongs to the Philippines. Just why do you think that The Hague ruled such?
As for “punishment”, it is China who is ready to be punished. The U.S. engaged in the war against Japan prior to WWII to help China after the “Rape of Nanking” and now China is acting like the bully of Asia. What irony. Trump is sending a message that interference with other Asian nations simply will not be tolerated. “Get out of the Spratleys” would be a good banner and first start towards respect, “sense and sensibility” and peace in the region.
John Saunders December 22, 2016
I recall that you had a premium publication for more in depth trading… Can you send me info on it?
Larry Edelson December 23, 2016
Will do. I will have Stan from Customer Service send it on.- Larry
Larry Edelson December 28, 2016
Yes Stan from Customer Service will pass along the info. — Best, Larry
Steven December 22, 2016
Beyond their territorial waters, China has NO claim to the South China Sea. By your “historical rights” reasoning, native Americans own the entire North American Continent; goofy thinking, to be charitable. You seem committed to support of all things Chinese, but if you want me, and probably many others like me, to read your material, you will have to stop making such silly comments as “On this one, I can’t really blame Beijing”. You must realize that you are a mouthpiece for the Chinese who, obviously, want to control the entire area…which the United States must never permit.
Larry Edelson December 23, 2016
NO. I believe China is in the best position to develop it and that the 5 sided cold war over it has to stop, somehow. — Larry
Larry Edelson December 28, 2016
No, as I said, perception is everything and Beijing believes it’s its territory, just like it believe it owns Taiwan. That doesn’t mean it can’t work together. — Larry
Steven December 22, 2016
Beyond their territorial waters, China has NO claim to the South China Sea. By your “historical rights” reasoning, native Americans own the entire North American Continent; goofy thinking, to be charitable. You seem committed to support of all things Chinese, but if you want me, and probably many others like me, to read your material, you will have to stop making such silly comments as “On this one, I can’t really blame Beijing”. You must realize that you are a mouthpiece for the Chinese who, obviously, want to control the entire area…which the United States must never permit.
Larry Edelson December 23, 2016
NO. I believe China is in the best position to develop it and that the 5 sided cold war over it has to stop, somehow. — Larry
tony Gault December 22, 2016
Do you still believe that OIL is going down to $25 per barrel as you predicted recently. If so when?
Larry Edelson December 23, 2016
Yes, in the first half of 2017. — Larry
Larry Edelson December 28, 2016
Yes, first quarter 2017. — Larry
tony Gault December 22, 2016
Do you still believe that OIL is going down to $25 per barrel as you predicted recently. If so when?
Larry Edelson December 28, 2016
Yes, first quarter 2017. — Larry
Harvey December 22, 2016
Larry, as usual I really appreciate your concise, BRIEF articles of what’s going on around the World!!! You don’t pontificate like others (yours truly JR) which I made the mistake of taking out lifetime subscriptions . . . ugh.
With your presentation of World affairs, I keep telling my closest friends who are like us financially – what they don’t see because they are ‘blinded’ by the deception the U.S. media spews out. I feel so fortunate to have found you. I try to get them to subscribe to your services, but they are still stuck in the headlights of ‘Old Thinking’. They don’t even get buying metals/miners for the coming financial collapse of the U.S. dollar. Now, don’t go getting a big HEAD!!! lol
Just keep on keepin’ on; southern for just keep up the good work!!!
Happy Holidays, Larry
Harvey – FL
Larry Edelson December 23, 2016
Thank you Harvey for the compliments and loyalty. Happy holidays! — Larry
Larry Edelson December 28, 2016
Thank you for the compliment and the loyalty! –Larry
john fejes December 22, 2016
Larry, what about these so called F-26 accounts, are they a safe investment , and do they really pay off good ?
Larry Edelson December 23, 2016
I am not all that familiar with them as an investment. It appears to be part of the new “distributed ledger” scheme that banks are putting into place, basically part of the going completely “digital.”
john fejes December 22, 2016
Larry, what about these so called F-26 accounts, are they a safe investment , and do they really pay off good ?
Larry December 22, 2016
I’ve never seen this web page before today. I like it but more importantly I like the info it has. Excellent!
Larry Edelson December 23, 2016
Thank you! — Larry
Larry December 22, 2016
I’ve never seen this web page before today. I like it but more importantly I like the info it has. Excellent!
Larry Edelson December 23, 2016
Thank you! — Larry
James Burck December 22, 2016
Larry, Are your special $49 reports on precious metals meant for Real Wealth retirees or is that info to be in current and upcoming newsletters? Dr. Jim
Larry Edelson December 23, 2016
Current. — Larry
Mark Power December 22, 2016
Hi Larry: I see a parabolic move in Bitcoin prices. Could you comment Larry on this. Are Europeans quietly moving out of the Euro into bitcoin?
Mark Power
Larry Edelson December 23, 2016
It appears so, but I would not touch bitcoin with a ten-foot pole. For a variety of reasons. – Best, Larry
Mark Power December 22, 2016
Hi Larry: I see a parabolic move in Bitcoin prices. Could you comment Larry on this. Are Europeans quietly moving out of the Euro into bitcoin?
Mark Power
Expat Tom December 22, 2016
I am a huge fan but if your friends told you that China has a historical claim to the South China Sea then they are not well informed. That would be like saying the Mexico owns the Gulf of Mexico or the California owns the Gulf of California, which by the way is entirely with Mexico. Historical claims, yes the American Indians own all of America, are forfeited by international treaties. UNCLOS ( The United Nations Conference on the Law of the Seas) aka Law of the Seas, grants countries an economic exclusionary zone (EEZ) extending 200 nautical miles (nm) from their RECOGNIZED coast. China is trying to annex by force ocean bottom over 700 nm from their coast line and have lost a ruling in the international courts over this issue.
I am shocked that a man of your knowledge and worldly experience would give an credence to China’s claim over the sea bottom so far from their coast line.
Larry Edelson December 23, 2016
They have as much of a claim as the others. They all have claims, historical and documented. I do not deny that nor am I a spokesperson for Beijing. I do, however, believe that China is in the best position to develop the area — assuming the geopolitics and be worked out. — Best, Larry
Riaka December 22, 2016
Larry, I read on Gold-eagle.co a troubling article of coming gold and silver confiscation as the logical extension of the war on cash. The article by Clive Maund made sense. Would you please check it out and give me your thoughts.
Regards Riaka
Long time subsciber
Larry Edelson December 23, 2016
It won’t happen here. It will be more regulated, but I see no confiscation coming. — Larry
Riaka December 22, 2016
Larry, I read on Gold-eagle.co a troubling article of coming gold and silver confiscation as the logical extension of the war on cash. The article by Clive Maund made sense. Would you please check it out and give me your thoughts.
Regards Riaka
Long time subsciber
Larry Edelson December 23, 2016
It won’t happen here. It will be more regulated, but I see no confiscation coming. — Larry
MICHAEL December 22, 2016
Banning the Oz $100 note is news to me. I live in Sydney.
Larry Edelson December 23, 2016
It’s all over the news here.The date has not yet been set, but it is in progress behind the scenes.
Ken December 29, 2016
A committee has been assembled to investigate the matter, meanwhile the Reserve Bank of Australia has defended the $100 note. The move against cash is spearheaded by CITI Bank, a small player in Oz and a pathetically undercapitalized, Wall Street to big to fail dinosaur. Any move against cash will only make the One Nation party even more popular, they are already spear heading a drive for the banking ‘industry’ to be investigated by a Royal Commission. The objective of this would be to reveal the underlying criminality of the fractional reserve banking system !
Larry Edelson December 30, 2016
My bet: It will be removed from the system. — Larry
MICHAEL December 22, 2016
Banning the Oz $100 note is news to me. I live in Sydney.
Larry Edelson December 23, 2016
It’s all over the news here.The date has not yet been set, but it is in progress behind the scenes.
Jim December 22, 2016
Where is a retiree to invest these days for income if not in muni-bonds. I do not wish to invest in too many dividend producing stock or corporate bonds, but that is the only place where we can get enough return to keep ahead of COL, which is much higher than the government will admit. U.S. Treasuries were suggested, but their return is poor.
Larry Edelson December 23, 2016
In my opinion, the best is going to be AAA coproate bonds and royalty-based mining companies. — Best, Larry
Will December 22, 2016
China recently lost in the World Court their overreaching territorial claims to the South China Sea. This should be mentioned every time in any discussion to this area to prevent credence to their claims which still continue to this day.
Larry Edelson December 23, 2016
Agreed. — Larry
Larry Edelson December 28, 2016
Paper means nothing. It’s actions that speak louder then words or court orders. — Larry
Will December 22, 2016
China recently lost in the World Court their overreaching territorial claims to the South China Sea. This should be mentioned every time in any discussion to this area to prevent credence to their claims which still continue to this day.
Phyllisofical December 21, 2016
Have a blessed Hanukkah.
Larry Edelson December 23, 2016
Thank you and same to you. Happy New Year as well. — Larry
Larry Edelson December 28, 2016
Thank you!
Phyllisofical December 21, 2016
Have a blessed Hanukkah.
Larry Edelson December 23, 2016
Thank you and same to you. Happy New Year as well. — Larry
Larry Edelson December 28, 2016
Thank you!
Charles Samways December 21, 2016
very interesting synopsis of the world ahead, well done Larry
Larry Edelson December 23, 2016
Thank you! — Larry
Charles Samways December 21, 2016
very interesting synopsis of the world ahead, well done Larry
Larry Edelson December 23, 2016
Thank you! — Larry
Ted Waters December 21, 2016
Hmmmm, Larry!!!
Australia banning the $100 note!!!!
You make it sound as though it has already happened.
In fact the Australian Government has indicated it will have an enquiry into the black economy and have suggested that the enquiry will look at the $100 bill to see if it, is in fact, an enabler.
I hope the rest of your statements are a little more accurate than that one.
Michael Sherman December 21, 2016
When do you think it will be time to get into the Stock Market. It is doing very well and I do not want to be left behind.
When will it be time to get into Gold. It seems to be steady at this point but it can break to the up side at any moment.
Michael Sherman December 21, 2016
When do you think it will be time to get into the Stock Market. It is doing very well and I do not want to be left behind.
When will it be time to get into Gold. It seems to be steady at this point but it can break to the up side at any moment.
chet soetaert December 21, 2016
You’re wrong about GGN – they cut dividends to $0.05/month (from 0.07.) That’s still a good return from GGN levels now (near $5).
Can they sustain these dividends? Is it still a good investment?
chet soetaert December 21, 2016
You’re wrong about GGN – they cut dividends to $0.05/month (from 0.07.) That’s still a good return from GGN levels now (near $5).
Can they sustain these dividends? Is it still a good investment?
DR JOHN E RUSSELL December 21, 2016
Congress has lost control of the Fed apparently. Congress needs to get back under the US Constitution.
Ron Paul had a plan to go back on the gold standard. When the Fed was started in 1913, 2 Cents had the buying power of 1 dollar today. To me, this is stealth taxation.
When individuals steal wealth or print federal notes, we are arrested. When the Fed does this and Congress allows it do this, they get by with it.
Mr Edelson, what are your comments on this?
Larry Edelson December 23, 2016
A gold standard will do nothing but cause a MASSIVE depression. It has NEVER works except for very short- periods of time and has always failed. It is NOT the answer to our troubles and will simply cause a lot more trouble and pain.
We need a new monetary system that isn’t based on debt and that is fair to all. We also need governments to agree to live within their means and if they don’t then they become a “pariah” state kicked out of the system till they straighten up their act. — Larry
Larry Edelson December 23, 2016
The Fed should be completely 100% independent of Washington. It was up till about 1943, when Congress used it to keep rates low and issue war bonds. Ever since then, the Fed has been under the thumb of Washington. — Larry
Curtis Duininck December 21, 2016
You offered your 5 favorite gold derivatives/ gold stocks in one of your releases. The option to buy it works. The option for subscribers to download it free does not work. Not so surprising I suppose. I’m a great fan and subscriber of your services. These types of things make me suspicious.
Larry Edelson December 23, 2016
They are certainly available and I will look into why yo are having trouble downloading them. — Best, LArry
Curtis Duininck December 21, 2016
You offered your 5 favorite gold derivatives/ gold stocks in one of your releases. The option to buy it works. The option for subscribers to download it free does not work. Not so surprising I suppose. I’m a great fan and subscriber of your services. These types of things make me suspicious.
Larry Edelson December 23, 2016
They are certainly available and I will look into why yo are having trouble downloading them. — Best, LArry
dave yale ``` December 21, 2016
Good synopsis. Troubling times coming, Have a great holiday.
dave yale ``` December 21, 2016
Good synopsis. Troubling times coming, Have a great holiday.
James Evans December 21, 2016
Larry, I am an Australian and the government has NOT banned the $100 note. It is simply media speculation. The $100 is still legal tender.
Larry Edelson December 23, 2016
Not for long James. It will be taken out to the woodshed. — Larry
James Evans December 21, 2016
Larry, I am an Australian and the government has NOT banned the $100 note. It is simply media speculation. The $100 is still legal tender.
Phil December 21, 2016
“A phone call between President-elect Trump”
Larry, I thought Trump called your number!! Maybe you can help!
Larry Edelson December 23, 2016
I most certainly could. Thanks for the compliment. — Best, Larry
Phil December 21, 2016
“A phone call between President-elect Trump”
Larry, I thought Trump called your number!! Maybe you can help!
Larry Edelson December 23, 2016
I most certainly could. Thanks for the compliment. — Best, Larry
claude December 21, 2016
I am a well informed Australian. Where did you hear about our $100 note being made obsolete (other than Goldman Sachs?) here is your evidence? Please get your facts straight!
Larry Edelson December 23, 2016
I have my sources and the handwriting is on the wall. — Larry
claude December 21, 2016
I am a well informed Australian. Where did you hear about our $100 note being made obsolete (other than Goldman Sachs?) here is your evidence? Please get your facts straight!
Vincent Roazzi December 21, 2016
You’re the man, Larry!
Larry Edelson December 23, 2016
Thank you! — Larry
Arthur Safir, Esq. December 21, 2016
Trump has correctly stated that, as regards all of our so-called “partners,” we’ve been getting a screwing for a long time. Now it is time to end it. As far as China is concerned, one of our “esteemed partners” having given us a good screwing, my grandfather (may he rest in peace) would now tell them “shtippish in tuchus.”
Arthur Safir, Esq. December 21, 2016
Trump has correctly stated that, as regards all of our so-called “partners,” we’ve been getting a screwing for a long time. Now it is time to end it. As far as China is concerned, one of our “esteemed partners” having given us a good screwing, my grandfather (may he rest in peace) would now tell them “shtippish in tuchus.”
John Lalley December 21, 2016
Interesting, but lacking specific recommended actions to take now and specific assets to hold and purchase. We all see the many problems, but what are some solutions?
John Lalley December 21, 2016
Interesting, but lacking specific recommended actions to take now and specific assets to hold and purchase. We all see the many problems, but what are some solutions?
Bill Bly December 21, 2016
For one Obama will do nothing. Remember he once drew a line in the sand.
Bill Bly December 21, 2016
For one Obama will do nothing. Remember he once drew a line in the sand.
Manny December 21, 2016
“Yes — even confiscation of gold by revenue agents going door to door in India.”
This is not true. It is fake news. At present there is no proposal in India to restrict gold holding by individuals. Revenue agents are not going door to door in India to confiscate gold. They are confiscating gold which is unaccounted for and found during tax raids against large black money holders.
Larry Edelson December 23, 2016
My sources tell me otherwise. — Larry
Larry Edelson December 26, 2016
It’s the first step toward more confiscation. Let’s get real. — Larry
Stephen Ettinger December 21, 2016
We have been reading about War cycles for almost a year. I am not investing in any Blue chip stocks as everyone is pointing to an adjustment in the market including you. Yet everyone is jumping into the Market feet first. You have shown us on your shock wave curve, that we are in a sharp downward decline economically, yet in the next 2-5 years you predict after an adjustment in the market we take off to Dow 31,000+ and gold could go up to $5K or more. How can we be in a downward Shockwave as you have illustrated to all of us and there is a 31,000+ DOW on the way soon? – These are conflicting concepts. I am confused. Can you please shed some light on this one Larry? Thank you.
Larry Edelson December 23, 2016
They are not conflicting if you understand history and how flight capital moves into the deepest markets that are deemed the safest. Are bonds safe now? Heck no. Is real estate safe. Some, but it’s very regional and credit is hard to get. Are commodities safe? Not yet, but they will soon become the next major sector to boom.
Capital is like a game of hot potatoes. It is ALWAYS looking for the safest place to park itself. Historically, during depressions, that was the stock market and it’s happening all over again. Just like I aid it would — Best, Larry
P.S. Throw logic out the door. It will cost you a fortune. You need to study history, which I will help you do, and you need to think diifferently too. — Best, Larry
Stephen Ettinger December 21, 2016
We have been reading about War cycles for almost a year. I am not investing in any Blue chip stocks as everyone is pointing to an adjustment in the market including you. Yet everyone is jumping into the Market feet first. You have shown us on your shock wave curve, that we are in a sharp downward decline economically, yet in the next 2-5 years you predict after an adjustment in the market we take off to Dow 31,000+ and gold could go up to $5K or more. How can we be in a downward Shockwave as you have illustrated to all of us and there is a 31,000+ DOW on the way soon? – These are conflicting concepts. I am confused. Can you please shed some light on this one Larry? Thank you.
Larry Edelson December 23, 2016
They are not conflicting if you understand history and how flight capital moves into the deepest markets that are deemed the safest. Are bonds safe now? Heck no. Is real estate safe. Some, but it’s very regional and credit is hard to get. Are commodities safe? Not yet, but they will soon become the next major sector to boom.
Capital is like a game of hot potatoes. It is ALWAYS looking for the safest place to park itself. Historically, during depressions, that was the stock market and it’s happening all over again. Just like I aid it would — Best, Larry
P.S. Throw logic out the door. It will cost you a fortune. You need to study history, which I will help you do, and you need to think diifferently too. — Best, Larry
David December 21, 2016
Larry, do you have any thoughts on the situation facing seniors, we have 10,000 baby boomers retiring every day, there is no way to earn safe interest and no COLA increase in Social Security in three of the last five years, As we are an aging population how can we have growth and corporate profits when an increasing amount of the population is becoming steadily poorer.
Larry Edelson December 23, 2016
It’s part of the overall decline we are witnessing. It’s worse in Europe and Japan. — Larry
David December 21, 2016
Larry, do you have any thoughts on the situation facing seniors, we have 10,000 baby boomers retiring every day, there is no way to earn safe interest and no COLA increase in Social Security in three of the last five years, As we are an aging population how can we have growth and corporate profits when an increasing amount of the population is becoming steadily poorer.
Larry Edelson December 23, 2016
It’s part of the overall decline we are witnessing. It’s worse in Europe and Japan. — Larry
Tom Beach December 21, 2016
Larry, I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your advice and work work to get the deep meaning of world events. That said, I hope you will let us subscribers know how to move our investments to take full advantage of unfolding events. To that end, I am here to ask you, no beg you, to let even us Gold Mining Millionaire subscribers in on your most important guidance, not just as to what to buy or not buy, but as to how to get our money out of the reach of government seizures that are all but certain to ensue the pending crash.
Yes, I hope to make a lot of money from your advice. But it won’t be worth anything if someone comes to my door in the night like the storm troopers in India. How do I get the hell out of Dodge before the bandits come for me?
And where do I take my money to be safe? Thailand? That seems to be your choice. But will Panama be just as good? Or Ecuador? Or Chile? I really need advice on how to KEEP the money we will make together.
Tom Beach in Hawaii
John December 21, 2016
Thank you Larry, you are a special “one of a kind” expert in your analytical style and are very much appreciated by
your subscribers! Keep up the excellent work.
I wish you a safe and wonderful holiday season with your family and friends!
John Patterson ( longtime subscriber)
John December 21, 2016
Thank you Larry, you are a special “one of a kind” expert in your analytical style and are very much appreciated by
your subscribers! Keep up the excellent work.
I wish you a safe and wonderful holiday season with your family and friends!
John Patterson ( longtime subscriber)
Howard December 21, 2016
Two excellent articles back to back.