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Now do you see what we meant when we said THIS would be the time for supercycles to truly light a fire under the markets?
We told you this would drive the stock market to new all-time highs, and it has.
We told you that key resource sectors would start taking off, and they have.
We even identified what I call SUPER-sectors like energy metals, cannabis and crypto currencies. And look at them go, go, go!
So the timing couldn’t be better for this announcement: We are expanding our roster of experts!
If you’ve been reading our alerts, you should know them already. (Heck, they joined us as guest editors back in November.)
The big new news is that our readers (and we) like them so much, we’ve invited them to stay.
I’m talking about some really smart guys here …
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Matt Badiali is a natural resource expert who deploys a hands-on, go-anywhere, talk-to-everyone approach to his investment prospects and research. His work has taken him to Papua New Guinea, Iraq, Hong Kong, Singapore, Haiti, Turkey, Switzerland and many other locations around the world. He’s visited countless mines and oil wells the world over, interrogated CEOs about their latest resource prospects and analyzed all manner of geologic data. Read his latest article “This Hated Commodity Could Make Huge Gains in 2018” by clicking here.
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Jeff Yastine has more than two decades of experience as a stock market investor and financial journalist at the center of financial world events.
Jeff has interviewed and learned the investing secrets of some of the most successful financiers and entrepreneurs of the era, such as Warren Buffett and Steve Forbes.
His insight has helped him identify successful investment opportunities in small-cap growth stocks and large company turnarounds. You can read his latest article “The Energy Revolution is Coming Soon to This Unlikely Destination” by clicking here.
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Michael Carr is a longtime member of the Market Technicians Association (MTA) and author of the book “Smarter Investing in Any Economy.”
His tech background is deep as it gets. He started his career at the Pentagon, where he was instrumental in the installation of the facility’s first Local Area Network, an early version of the modern-day Internet.
Michael is a self-described “systems trader.” He believes in a highly disciplined approach to investing, buying and selling by means of rules-based systems — and rules-based systems only. Michael specializes in developing risk-off, trend-following strategies that investors can use to grow their wealth steadily and without fear of succumbing to the next market crash. You can read his latest article “Traders Are Expecting a Recession” by clicking here.
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Chad Shoop is a Chartered Market Technician (CMT) who specializes in income and seasonal investment strategies. He is especially strong in using options to profit from the markets. You can read his latest story “How to Short Amazon“ by clicking here.
I’m really happy about the many new profit opportunities that this expansion opens up for you. I’m sure you will be, too.
All the best,
Sean Brodrick
John H. Colvin January 7, 2018
I remember Jeff Yastine when He was with N.B.R.— don’t know the others so good luck with them J.H.C.
John Downer January 5, 2018
A welcome is in order for sure. But no matter how “seasoned” are these new folks, prognostication in a market that is abnormal makes decisions based on standard metrics a crap shoot. Danger ahead is, in my view, the only certainty. So we have a waiting game. Good luck.
Maxime Gagnon January 4, 2018
Thank you for introducing the new members and to give better perspective on their articles!
Being a Weiss Ultimate member is my best investment in the last year, thanks to all of you.
Live long and prosper! LOL
Cheers Heh! (Canadian!)
M. Gagnon
Kevin J. Koons January 4, 2018
OK. This is a good combination. However…
Last month I did a lifetime subscription for $476 with Badiali and Real Wealth Strategist.
How does this resolve?
Dawn January 8, 2018
Hi Kevin, thanks for your comment and for your loyalty. You should be receiving an email tomorrow with all the details.
redchevy4 January 4, 2018
Hi Sean, nice to meet your new members. Will you be giving the buy and sell signals for all recommendations or will the new members be giving buy and sell orders for their own recos?
Sean Brodrick January 5, 2018
Hi, RedChevy4. The new experts will give their own buy and sell recommendations in their own publications. Thanks.
Gary C January 4, 2018
I am not understanding this- one of the headlines of this story claims you predicted the Dow would blast off, yet our only Dow or S & P trade was a short option that got wiped out with a total loss. What good are accurate predications if we don’t make any money on trades? Please explain what I missed. Thank you.